NFHS wants College Football to Stay Away from Friday Night Lights

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The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) wants Friday nights to be all about high school football…not college or the pros.

Earlier this week, the NFHS passed a resolution urging schools and teams at the college and professional levels to schedule games on days other than Friday.  Earlier this year, the Big Ten announced that it would be playing selected games on Friday nights and Northwestern head coach Pat Fitzgerald refused to allow his team to play on the night that is traditionally for high schools.

Below is full NFHS resolution:

“Be it RESOLVED that every Friday night during the fall in America is ‘High School Football Night.’

“Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that college and professional football teams should refrain from scheduling contests on Friday nights. Such restraint would be an investment in their own future success. It would also demonstrate that high school football has value well beyond the field of play. Schools, communities and scholastic teams for girls and boys all benefit when football is strong.

“THEREFORE, the National Federation of State High School Associations urges all parties to observe the central premise of this resolution.”

 “The value of tradition cannot be overstated,” said Bob Gardner, NFHS executive director. “Friday nights offer communities a traditional time and place to congregate and support their students. If a major college football game was scheduled in the area on a Friday night, it could affect attendance at the high school game or cause the game to be moved to another day. In addition, many of the Friday night college games are televised, which could result in lower attendance at high school contests nationwide.

“We believe retaining Friday nights for high school contests is a plus for colleges as well as they reap the benefits of healthy programs at the high school level.”

According to the NFHS, this year, more than 50 major college football games will be played on Friday nights, including eight on September 1.


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About the Author

Jeff Fisher
Jeff is an award-winning journalist and expert in the field of high school sports, underscored with his appearance on CNBC in 2010 to talk about the big business of high school football in America.Jeff turned to his passion for high school football into an entrepreneurial venture called High School Football America, a digital media company focused on producing original high school sports content for radio, television and the internet.Jeff is co-founder and editor-in-chief of High School Football America, a partner with NFL Play Football.