by Jason Strunk
Lubbock High School Head Football Coach
Follow @WestTXCoach
This blog will officially kick off our off-season!
In years past I haven’t written much about our off-season. However, this year is different. I’m going to chronicle our progress and use the blog as a means to evaluate the team and do some internal evaluations. With the season we had, injury-wise, I am digging deep into pre-hab, prevention etc. Never in my life have I experienced the rash of injuries we had.
Were all the injuries preventable? No. Stuff happens in football. It’s just one of those things. But we can use this as a way to learn more about why some injuries occur and how we can strengthen particular areas better. Like always, I am looking to turn a negative into a positive. We will be better as coaches, as trainers and as people because of what we endured in 2014.
This past season was brutally tough. But tough people last. Tough people fight. We are going to come out swinging in 2015. You can count on that!

Lubbock High School head coach Jason Strunk getting over his fear of heights by flying in a helicopter in Florida.
Right now I am working out on an elliptical in Orlando, Florida. I needed a quick getaway from this past season. This is the first of many new things I am going to be doing in the off-season.
Doing new things is a part of life. It’s going to be my theme for 2015. For instance, I am terrified of heights. Yes, I was on top of the World Trade Center, Empire State Building etc. But when it comes to open heights forget it! How do you cure this? Get on a helicopter and sit in the front. I was looking straight down at the ground 1,000 feet up. It was a rush. I will be doing more of that.

Photo of Orlando’s Sea World from Lubbock High School head football coach Jason Strunk, who is looking forward to new things in 2015, like getting over his fear of heights by being 1,000 feet up in a helicopter.
What else? How bout stepping outside the box a little? Yeah, I can do that. So far in Orlando I have eaten mussels and he downed a raw oyster! My friends in California, such as Fisher, Trish Hoffman, Chris Fore and Jaime Ortiz may not believe this. But believe it Mojumba (Seinfeld reference), it went down! This coach hates and I mean hates, seafood. The sight, smell and texture is enough to make me puke right now.
But I’m doing it. To be great you need to step outside the box! My players need to understand this. Get out of your comfort zone!
This is a joke. Hiring PR firms to plead your case and influence the voters? Wow. Still sounds like the AP poll back in 1994 is still at work here. Thought this was progress? Nah. Same old.
Once the NCAA realizes they are supposed to be about the kids, not the money, they will get it right. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to happen. This idiotic panel and lame attempt at a playoff system is still being decided by factors off the field (see AP Poll system that used to be in place). I understood it that this committee would help end all the bull that went on for years. Yeah. Ain’t happening.
If you are one that argues a true playoff system is too much on the kids, academically, you are off base. Take a look at the Division I AA, II & III playoff systems. A bunch of those schools have way more to offer academically than the ones battling for a playoff spot. How do those kids go through a playoff bracket and not suffer academically? Yeah. I know. I must not know what I am talking about.
Bottom line: NCAA is a joke and they are not about the kids.
– I’m not fan of the NCAA.
– Wake up and do the right things. Follow instructions or directions. Mind your own business. Enjoy life. Simple concept here. It may save you and our country some problems.
– Yankees still stink; but the Red Sox got worse. I like that.
– I don’t like art, country music, rap music or fuzzy socks. Just a random FYI for you.
– I’m better today than yesterday. Are you?
That’s all she wrote. Follow the offseason here. FIO.