by Jason Strunk
Lubbock High School Head Football Coach
Follow @WestTXCoach

Lubbock High School head coach Jason Strunk during last week’s Estacado game. Photo courtesy of John Weast
This was a great Thursday.
The media luncheon was great as usual. All the support the community throws to the Westerners on a weekly basis is unbelievable. The positive vibe you get here keeps you going. With the start we have had and the amount of injuries we have endured, you need all the positive words you can get. Lubbock delivered that to me today. Again.
Another portion of the positive tone that was set for this day came from readers of this blog. Wow, is all I can really say. I had no idea the things I was writing were helping other coaches and some of my ideas and thoughts were being applied by faithful readers of The Turnaround. The texts and tweets I received today spanned the United States. Really, I had no idea.
That alone gave me a good shot of energy today. Who would have known that sharing your feelings and thoughts on a blog would lead to you getting your own boost of juice to make it through the day? I certainly didn’t expect it.
This blog is therapeutic. It helps me. Little did I realize it was helping you, the reader, as well.
Friday is here. Week six is about to kick off. It is our last non-district game. We need to find a “W” before we roll into Abilene Cooper next week. Momentum is huge. We need to find some and fast!
Tomorrow is a three hour trip to Borger High. Lots of miles for the Westerners this year. It’s all good. Road trips build character. Character wins football games.
– The Yankees didn’t make the post season. The Pirates were eliminated. Need a team to watch. Nats or Royals? Decisions, decisions.
– We will have 8 sophomores and 1 freshmen playing tomorrow night. It’s exciting. The future is bright.
– The JV and freshmen won tonight. This marks the first time since we have been here that these teams won consecutively two weeks in a row. A football foundation takes time. We are building it.
– I wouldn’t trade this program or kids for anything. It’s a special place to be.
That will wrap this one up. Much to write about tomorrow. Three hours of down time on the road to Borger!
Talk to You soon….