Since Lubbock High School head football coach Jason Strunk began writing The Turnaround in 2012, he’s always thought about ways to make it better. Thursday, he decided to become a photo journalist and take pictures throughout his day. The result are below.
7:15 AM - The look from Chapman Field. Beautiful morning in Lubbock.
7:25 AM - Dropping-off my son at Lubbock High School. Fun being able to take him to school every day. It's an added benefit that he plays football for us. Stealing my time with my son is awesome - Jason Strunk
7:35 AM - I'm back at Chapman for my early morning workout. It's good for the mind. Staying healthy is an important aspect of any coaches' life. DO NOT take it for granted...stay healthy! - Jason Strunk
9:00 AM - At J&B Coffee. Needed some morning fuel. Picked-up coffee for myself and assistant principal Allyson Haveman.
9:30 AM - Every Thursday, I do classroom walk-throughs with Allyson Haveman. We saw this clown, Neal Tull, our OC, in the main hall today. So much history in these hallways It's fun visiting with the kids in their classrooms.
11:15 AM - 1:30 PM - Media luncheon. We are blessed in the Lubbock Independent School District to have weekly media luncheons at the PlainsCapital Park. Such a tremendous stadium to hold this event. It's a great time and fun atmosphere. Talking football and building relationships. - Jason Strunk
PlainsCapital Park Stadium
My Media Luncheon guests today from the left: Jose Morales, myself, Tyler Trout, Nate Gensler and fellow Konkrete Kid Devin Kline. These guys are part of the defensive staff. They did a great job last week against Andrews, so I brought them with me today. - Jason Strunk
4:00 PM - Practice. Here we have Tru Moore, Dae Dae Morgan and Pooh Bear Ambriz hanging-out in our locker room. They made sure they pointed to the "Figure It Out" sign. They have FIO'ed! - Jason Strunk
5:30 PM - Coach Devin Kline dishing spaghetti for our weekly team dinner. The boys east dinner together and relax before heading home for the night. Thursday is a fun day for our program! - Jason Strunk
Jeff is an award-winning journalist and expert in the field of high school sports, underscored with his appearance on CNBC in 2010 to talk about the big business of high school football in America.Jeff turned to his passion for high school football into an entrepreneurial venture called High School Football America, a digital media company focused on producing original high school sports content for radio, television and the internet.Jeff is co-founder and editor-in-chief of High School Football America, a partner with NFL Play Football.