UC Irvine looking for Southern California high school football players to study head injuries

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According to a story in the Orange County Register, the University of California, Irvine is looking for 100 high school football players to participate in a brain imagine study.  The OC Register is reporting that MRI results from 100 high school football players players will be compared with brain scans from a control group of male students who don’t play the sport.

For those interested in taking part in the study, call 714-456-6856

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About the Author

Jeff Fisher
Jeff is an award-winning journalist and expert in the field of high school sports, underscored with his appearance on CNBC in 2010 to talk about the big business of high school football in America.Jeff turned to his passion for high school football into an entrepreneurial venture called High School Football America, a digital media company focused on producing original high school sports content for radio, television and the internet.Jeff is co-founder and editor-in-chief of High School Football America, a partner with NFL Play Football.