Stadium Project – The Graveyard at Cathedral High School (California)

Cathedral High School footballCathedral High School
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One of my favorite stadiums in all of Southern California is “The Graveyard” at Cathedral High School, home of the Phantoms.

What a view of downtown LA!

Why the graveyard?

It is built on an old graveyard and as you can see below, there are still some headstones on the outside of the track.

While the original inhabitants of the Old Calvary Cemetery were moved years ago, there’s no doubt what used to be here.

Gives a whole new meaning of going deep for 6! LOL

See more high school football stadiums in our National Stadium Project

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About the Author

Jeff Fisher
Jeff is an award-winning journalist and expert in the field of high school sports, underscored with his appearance on CNBC in 2010 to talk about the big business of high school football in America.Jeff turned to his passion for high school football into an entrepreneurial venture called High School Football America, a digital media company focused on producing original high school sports content for radio, television and the internet.Jeff is co-founder and editor-in-chief of High School Football America, a partner with NFL Play Football.